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Tourism is one of the major industries in the EU and so, one of the most important sectors to be aligned with the European Green Deal and the aim of making Europe climate neutral in 2050. Its importance is highlighted in the recently published EC Report “Transition Pathway for Tourism” (2022). Evidently, tourism was among the most severely affected industries by COVID-19 with a drop of 70% in revenues in 2020. In the aftermath of the pandemic, tourism professionals, destination managers and VET providers need to be empowered and provided the necessary tools and knowledge to increase their resilience and accelerate the transition to a more sustainable and resilient business model.

The ALTOURMED (Alternative Tourism for the Mediterranean Region) project – project n. 2022-2-MT01-KA210-VET-000096406 – targets current and future tourism professionals in three Mediterranean regions (Malta, Italy & Greece). A transformative project dedicated to advancing alternative tourism offerings in targeted regions through strategic upskilling initiatives for key stakeholders. Focused on aligning with E+ priorities, the project is set to achieve specific objectives geared towards environmental goals and adapting vocational education and training (VET) to labour market needs.

ALTOURMED aims to:

  • Empower tourism and destination management professionals & students towards developing and promoting tailored alternative tourism offers.
  • Provide valuable tools and materials to VET providers and destination managers.
  • Increase the knowledge of VET educators on the various forms of alternative tourism.
  • Support VET providers by integrating current and future trends on alternative tourism in their educational offer, based on markets’ skills intelligence.
  • Develop tailored, flexible learning opportunities, including transferable materials for professionals based on green skills.
  • Raise awareness on the advantages of alternative tourism for businesses, the community, and the environment.
  • Upgrade alternative tourism offers in the participating regions.

More information can be found on the project’s website - Altourmed - Home

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