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House Keeping

Collecting & Disposing of Restaurant Tea Towels

Scope: The below shows a step-by-step procedure to collect tea-towels from the laundry.

Tea-Towels Usage: Tea Towels are generally used for drying pots, pans and utensils

Walk Through:

Step 1) Students report for lecture

Step 2) Students are informed by the lecturer to collect tea-towels from laundry.

Step 3) On collection, students are to sign collection sheet.

Step 4) Students are responsible to collect all tea-towels when the lesson is over.

Step 5) All tea-towels are to be returned by students to the laundry and sign out.

Collecting & Disposing of Restaurant Linen

Scope: The below shows a steps-by-step procedure to collect linen from laundry.

Linen: Linen is generally used to cover tables in the restaurants during lunch and dinner service.

Walk Through:

Step 1) Students report for lecture

Step 2)  Students are informed by lecture to collect linen from laundry.

Step 3)  On collection, students are to sign the collection sheet.

Step 4) Students are liable to collect all dirty linen and return to laundry after service is finished.

Purchasing of hats/masks and disposable overalls.

Scope: The procedure below shows the steps that need to be taken to purchase these items.

Hats / Masks & Disposable Overalls: Disposable chef hats are mainly used for kitchen service by students with a long beard. On the other hand, the disposable overall is worn during the preparation of service.

Walk Through:

Step 1) Students are to visit the Accounts Department (Block A) to pay for items required. Payment may be done during the Accounts opening hours, which are:

    Monday to Friday

   Morning: 8:30 to 12:00

   Afternoon: 13:00 to 16:00

Step 2) Students are to return to laundry with the receipt.

Step 3) Laundry assistant will take the receipt and issue the required items.

Colour Code of Aprons

Scope: Aprons are used for the restaurant service this includes lunch and dinner.

Colour Code of Aprons: Each restaurant has a different colour code for the apron.

Colour Coded Aprons

Apron Grab & Go, Purple

Runway Restaurant, Blue

Voyage Restaurant, Red

Walk Through:

Step 1) Students report for lecture.

Step 2) Students are instructed by lecturer to collect aprons from laundry.

Step 3) Students are to sign out on collection.

Step 4) Students are liable to return the apron after service.