1.1 Applicants for ITS courses are assessed at the initial stage based on their accredited academic qualifications and/or their work experience (through Recognition for Prior Learning). All prospective students must satisfy the entry criteria for their chosen programme of studies as outlined in the ITS Prospectus.
1.2 Applicants born outside Malta but having one parent of Maltese nationality must produce a copy of the ID card issued by the Citizenship & Expatriates Department of the Office of the Prime Minister regarding the citizenship.
1.3 The final decision on acceptance into the Institute of Tourism Studies will be based on the academic qualifications and/or Recognition of Prior Learning. In certain cases, the decision will be taken to the consideration of the ITS Admissions Board and the decision of this board is only appealable with the Board of Governors. The same Board may decide that a student needs to undergo a personal profiling exercise and an attitude and personality assessment.
1.4 At any entry level, of any course offered at ITS, a student should have the necessary entry requirements to be considered as a fully-fledged candidate of the enrolled course. ITS Management may, due to extenuating circumstances, admit students provisionally if they are dependent on results which on the date of admission are not yet issued.
1.5 In all circumstances, students accepted in any ITS course will be allowed to progress to a higher-level course at ITS if they satisfy the conditions as established in Appendix II with the following provisions:
1.5.1 they need to redo the failed module/s in the first available opportunity if they did not obtain enough ECTS to close the programme
1.5.2 Students will not be able to graduate from the first or the next level course if they do not close the pending modules and/or obtain enough ECTS to satisfy the criteria governing graduation.
1.6 In all circumstances, students failing from key modules as defined by the Board of Studies will not be able to progress to the next level course.
1.7 In the case of Foundation Course all modules will be of the same standard. Students in foundation may progress to Certificate level as outlined in Appendix II.
2.1 ITS will provide an application form for all persons who wish to enrol as students within the institution. ITS will also publish a prospectus with details of courses that would be offered in the subsequent academic year and organize information sessions about courses accordingly. All applicants are expected to use the platform provided by ITS for application. ITS reserves the right to charge an administration fee upon application. Such fee will be established by the CEO and/or the Board of Governors.
2.2 ITS is an inclusive institution and accepts applicants from any nationality, age, religion or sexual orientation. Applicants who declare that they need to benefit from support in order to be able to complete their studies will be referred to the Admissions Board. Applicants may be refused entry to the Institute of Tourism Studies and/or referred to other programmes of studies if the admissions board concludes that admitting the applicant may jeopardise the applicant’s own health and safety or the health and safety of other peers. Applicants who may have faced ITS disciplinary measures in the past may be refused entry to new courses.
2.3 The Institute may consider applications from mature students who are 23 years or over and who do not have full entry qualifications. In such cases, admission to the Institute may be subject to an interview and if deemed necessary a proficiency test.
2.4 Students presenting professional or post-Secondary Diplomas or Certificates related in whole or in part to the area of study and at the same level of the course followed, may be exempted from taking particular modules from the relevant programme, provided full documentation is presented. The Institution of Tourism Studies reserves the right not to accept such documentation. For such cases, exemption forms are to be filled in and submitted as instructed by the Registrar’s Office by a deadline established by the Registrar in liaison with the COO Academia. Forms handed after the established deadline will not be considered unless otherwise decided by the Exemptions board
2.5 Students possessing a full-time qualification obtained from the Institute of Tourism Studies may apply for another higher programme in order to further their studies. Full-time students may be eligible for a maintenance grant. Regulations governing Maintenance Grants may be found in Chapter 3 below.
2.6 In exceptional cases, applications from students who wish to change their programme of studies before the completion of any ITS qualification may be considered. This is subject to approval by the Board of Studies.
2.7 Students engaged in full-time or part-time employment are responsible for their own release in order to follow the set timetable for a programme of studies.
2.8 The language of tuition at the Institute of Tourism Studies is English unless otherwise directed by the Director of Studies and/or Board of Studies.
2.9 Students who opt to follow part-time single modules must pay the relative fee on application. Fees are decided by the Institute of Tourism Studies and may be changed from time to time.
2.10 Students who are exempt of fees for any full time and/or part time courses organized by ITS and/or ITS subsidiaries, unless otherwise decided by the CEO and/or the BOG on an ad hoc basis, will be expected to pay tuition fees for any module repeated for more than two times. Fees for such modules will be prorata based on the amount of ECTS as compared to the total amount of ECTS of the particular course. Fees need to be paid before the start of the module/s tuition. Provided that in the case of language modules, with the exception of license related courses, the lowest fee applies for the applicable language level.
2.11 Applicants for full qualification courses involving food preparation and food and beverage services may be required to present a completed medical assessment, which assessment (questionnaire) needs to be filled in by a Medical Doctor and/or specialist in accordance with current Health and Hygiene regulations and to be in possession of a valid Food Hygiene Licence B in terms of Ln178/2001.
2.12 Applications for full qualification courses that do not involve neither any food preparation nor any food and beverage service will not be required to be in possession of a Food Handling License B but may still need to undertake a medical assessment.
2.13 Prior to the commencement of their programme of studies, students will be required to sign a Learning Contract which will outline what the student is expecting of ITS and what ITS is expecting from the student. The learning contract will be part and parcel of the application form and may take the form of an online compliance response.
3.1 Stipends as stipulated in the Government regulations will be paid to eligible students one month in arrears.
3.2 Students receiving a stipend have to pay their National Insurance Contribution and are entitled to half the annual government bonus.
3.3 Students engaged in full time employment are not entitled for a stipend from the Institute.
3.4 Remunerations as per government budget.
3.5 Eligibility for stipend.
4.1 Authorised absences (such as certified sickness as per regulations) will not count towards absence percentage.
4.2 Unauthorised absences of any nature, or uncertified sickness not notified as per regulations, will count as absent.
4.3 Overall attendance will be calculated on a semester basis not on a yearlong basis.
4.4 Core Modules require an 80% attendance record as minimum per semester. If after the last lecture this threshold is not reached, coursework marks may become invalid and the student affected will fail this component and will not be allowed to sit for the examination and will need to re-do the module. Only the Student Cases Board can reconsider this decision.
4.5 Elective / non-core Modules require a minimum of 50% attendance record as minimum per semester together with an 80% attendance overall record across all modules as minimum per semester to be able to sit for assessment. Failure to reach this threshold will mean that the student will be ineligible for assessment and needs to re-do module.
4.6 Students who fall under the 80% attendance overall per semester threshold will be sent a notification warning email on their account / profile.
4.7 If at the end of the semester current the student does not manage to attain a minimum of an average of 80% attendance record across the board, which inadvertently means that the student will be terminated from the course. The decision can be appealed at the Student Cases Board.
4.8a Students who fall under 80% attendance in a semester in a specific core module will be sent a notification warning email on their account / profile.
4.8b Provided that in the case of modules which are officially designed from the Curriculum office to be assessed continuously (i.e. a method of continuous assessment is used, and students are given regular marks in sessions they attend, which marks contribute towards one final average mark) students need to attend a minimum of 65% of all sessions in order to be eligible for assessment.
4.9 Students who fall under 50% attendance in a semester in a specific elective module will be sent a notification email on their account /profile.
4.10 Students who fall under 50% attendance overall any time by or after the 6th week of the semester (whereby it would be mathematically impossible to recover to 80% in the remaining 8 weeks even if the student does not miss a single lecture) will be terminated.
4.11 Further to the above students who are absent without authorisation for three consecutive weeks will also be terminated from their course.
4.12 Students are to attend morning, afternoon or evening sessions as required. Students must follow the timetables set out by the Institute and may also be required to attend sessions on public holidays and on weekends. If deemed necessary, and with the approval of the Chief Executive Officer, students may also be requested to attend classes during the holiday period. Failure to attend sessions as directed by Institute shall result in deductions from the stipend. Furthermore, students may be liable to disciplinary measures.
4.13 All absences on medical grounds must be justified by a medical certificate (the blue form issued for Social Security purposes) which must be presented to the Registrar's office via email before return to campus. Medical certificates must be sent via email on studentdocs@its.edu.mt. Students may be excluded from entering classes and/or practical sessions unless the medical certificate is presented. The Registrar’s office reserves the right to ask for the original copy if scanned copy is not clear. In any case medical certificates cannot be presented later than 48h within closure of certificate and this does not mean that students may be accepted on campus in the interim.
4.14 The Institute of Tourism Studies may send its own Medical Officer to verify students on sick leave.
4.15 The Institute of Tourism Studies may offer certain modules via the ITS e-learning platform. When a module is offered utilizing the e-learning platform the record of time spent logged in the system will be recorded and taken into consideration for attendance purposes.
4.16 Any absences other than sick leave must be authorized in writing by the Registrar and/or the Chief Executive Officer and/or the Chief Operating Officer - Academia.
4.17 Travel abroad (other than for medical treatment or representing Malta in official international events) will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances. Requests for leave of absence are to be forwarded in writing to the Registrar accompanied by the necessary documentation (such as invitation from the respective Association). Such request is to be submitted as early as possible, but in any event by not later than 10 working days from date of the commencement of the intended request for leave of absence.
4.18 Students will be permitted into their classes / lectures up to 10 minutes later than the official starting time but may be dismissed by the lecturer following this period. Students who are later than this period, whether or not accepted for class and/or lecture and/or practical session, will be marked as absent.
4.19 Clauses 4.3 to 4.19 do not apply to students attending courses at MQF Level 7 or higher in terms of penalties for not attending face-to-face or online lectures. However, attendance for each lecture may still be taken for administrative purposes.
5.1 Full time students are required to wear the correct ITS uniform at all times while on ITS campus and/or while on any official ITS outings, site visits, placement exposure and on site practical sessions organized throughout the academic year (Refer to appendix 1A and 1B for full uniform details). Part-time students are expected to wear smart attire, consistent with the ITS dress code (refer to Appendix 1H for more details). A warning may be issued if a full-time student is not wearing the full ITS uniform properly (as per standard regulation). The same applies for part time students who fail to abide by the stipulated appearance and behaviour guidelines.
5.2 During practical sessions, students shall wear appropriate industrial uniforms as defined in Appendix I (C), (D) and (G). Students are not to enter or leave the campus wearing industrial uniforms. Any students not wearing the full ITS industrial uniform may be issued with a formal warning and may be refused entry to class.
5.3 Lecturers may choose not to accept students without their proper uniform as explained above and in related appendices for lectures and/or practical sessions and/or outings and/or any ITS activities. Moreover, students who are accepted by their lecturers may be marked as absent during those sessions where they turn up without the entire or part of their uniform.
5.4 Students who cause damage, whether willfully or through neglect, to any property belonging to the Institute or to other persons while on campus or on official internship, will be referred for disciplinary action. Moreover, the cost of damages to such property will be charged to the student if found guilty. The ITS reserves the right to deduct this amount from the student’s stipend.
5.5 Students are not allowed to leave their authorized area of study/practical session during the session in question without permission from the lecturer. In breach of this a verbal warning will be issued and an absence is recorded for that lecture/session.
5.6 Students making use of the Library and Learning Resources Centre are to adhere to the rules and regulations, as stipulated in Appendix V of these rules and regulations.
5.7 Bullying of any form is not tolerated at the Institute of Tourism Studies. Reports of bullying will be investigated by the Registrar’s Department and if any evidence thereof is discovered the case will be immediately referred to the Board of Discipline in view for dismissal.
5.8 Harassment of any kind or form is not tolerated at the Institute of Tourism Studies. Reports of harassment will be investigated by the Registrar’s Department and if any evidence thereof is discovered the case will be immediately referred to the Board of Discipline in view for dismissal.
5.9 In both the above cases the ITS reserves the right to suspend suspected offenders until the final decision by the board of Discipline is reached.
5.10 Students are permitted to park their vehicles within the grounds of the ITS unless otherwise directed by the Institute. All vehicles may be subject to searches by security personnel and/or by Police officers. The Institute is not liable for any damages incurred on private vehicles while parked on campus.
5.11 Personal belongings may be searched within the premises and grounds of the Institute by authorized security personnel in the presence of the Human Resources representative or a member of the management.
5.12 All students will be issued with an Identification tag which must be carried at all times whilst on campus. ITS personnel, including security staff and lecturers, may refuse entry to students without their identification tags.
5.13 Students not adhering to any of ITS rules and regulations are liable to disciplinary actions. The specific cases may be put forward to the Board of Discipline for consideration.
5.14 ITS students will be advised by the Registrar when to change from summer to full uniform or vice versa.
5.15 Students may be subject to disciplinary action should they be found guilty of misconduct as defined but not limited to the instances below:
5.15.1 Refreshments:Eating and drinking is allowed only in ITS buildings set aside for these purposes. These include the outside seating area. One cannot eat and drink in areas used for teaching, open-access areas and laboratories. Separate rules apply to libraries as shown in the ITS Library rules.
5.15.2 Smoking within the Institute of Tourism Studies campuses is not allowed in conformity with the smoking in Public Places regulations 2003 -- Article 3. (1). Smoking is only allowed in the designated areas.
5.15.3 ITS Security: Upon admission students will be given a student identity card which they must always carry on premises and produced if any member of ITS staff or other authorized representatives ask to see it.
5.15.4 Mobile / Smart Phones Students are to switch off their devices during lectures, unless otherwise directed by their lecturer and where such devices are being used for learning purposes, during formal activities on and off campus, during examinations and certain areas of the library.
5.15.5 Safety: Every Incident/Accident must be reported immediately to Security personnel on duty or to the Chief security officer and also their respective lecturer or a member of staff. Students must make themselves aware of the procedures in a fire or other emergency.
6.1 Students following courses whereby a LITP period is included are required to complete the LITP period for successful completion of their course. Each LITP will carry an established number of ECTS as directed by the Director of Studies and/or the Chief Executive Officer.
6.2 ITS will provide its students with free access to an online platform, such as HOSCO, which facilitate the contact between students and industrial partners and/or properties. ITS will direct students to enrol in a platform and upload the details required.
6.3 Students are required to cooperate with the Internships office with regards to the online platform enrolment.
6.4 It is the ultimate responsibility of students to find a placement suitable to their needs and related to their courses of studies. The Internships Office will assist students who need assistance and support them throughout their placement.
6.5 Students have the right to ask for assistance from the Internships Office as well as the Student Services Department both before their placement/s as well as during.
6.6 During LITP the student is considered as a representative of ITS and must therefore adhere to the regulations of the employer with which s/he is working as well as ITS regulations concerning behaviour which are applicable for that workplace. A learning agreement is to be made by students with a supervisor or mentor from the side of the employer with a view to enabling the student to identify a series of specified learning outcomes.
6.7 If a student is dismissed from an LITP by the employer on grounds of behaviour and/or alleged flouting of regulations ITS will automatically refer the case to its Disciplinary Board which will reserve the right to take any sanctions which it deems fit. The case will also be referred to the Student Cases Board (SCB) which will determine the next step for the student in terms of LITP placement. The SCB will also have the faculty to decide whether the student will be given another chance or will be given a Fail in the placement.
6.8 Students that terminate their LITP prematurely may also be referred by the Chief Executive Officer and/or Director of Studies and/or the Registrar to the Disciplinary Board and/or the SCB according to the circumstances surrounding the case.
6.8.1 The Internship office may consider requests for a change in placements when this request is justified. The decision of the Executive Director or his/her delegate is final.
6.9 ITS will not carry any responsibility of any financial losses incurred by employers due to failed completion of LITP and employers cannot be excluded from proceeding against the student/s in question.
6.10 Students who report abuse on the workplace have a right to ask the ITS to intervene and are strongly encouraged to inform the Internships Office immediately so that ITS will be able to take steps to ensure the student’s safety and/or rights. In cases whereby students are found and/or suspected to be subjected to harassment and/or abuse and/or any form of mistreatment the ITS will reserve the right to change the LITP placement location of the students without the students incurring any loss of hours from their LITP obligations.
6.11 IT is the responsibility of students to make sure that the LITP is worked in a regular employment sanctioned by legislation in force from time to time. Irregular employments will not be considered. The Internships Department will ask each student for official payslips as per legislation. Failure to provide this documentation as well as other documentation asked for by the ITS may lead to course termination and a fail in the LITP.
7.1 Students reading for study programmes that include an IITP as defined by ITS from time to time have to undergo a pre-defined period compulsory international placement/internship which may be up to one whole calendar year in certain programmes such as those at Level 4.
7.2 The duration of the IITP for each study programme is defined by the Director of Studies and/or by the Board of Studies in agreement with the CEO. Information about which courses include an IITP will be provided by the ITS on the prospectus. Each IITP will carry an established number of ECTS as directed by the Director of Studies and/or the Chief Executive Officer.
7.3 Students who are Maltese and/or are foreign but are eligible for maintenance grant provided by the government are obliged to carry out the IITP as per programme. Students who have a humanitarian and/or health related reason for which they are objecting to IITP and wish to carry out their placement locally need to ask the SCB for a decision. The SCB’s decision is final and can only be appealed with the BoG.
7.4 ITS will provide its students with free access to an online platform, such as HOSCO, which facilitate the contact between students and industrial partners and/or properties. ITS will direct students to enrol in a platform and upload the details required.
7.5 Students are required to cooperate with the Internships office with regards to the online platform enrolment.
7.6 It is the ultimate responsibility of students to find a placement suitable to their needs and related to their courses of studies. The Internships Office will assist students who need assistance and support them throughout their placement.
7.7 In the case of IITP an administrative fee of €80 will be charged. This fee will cover a small part of the expenses ITS incurs to process documentation, support students throughout their placements, follow up on progress with foreign employers, intervene when and where necessary, etc… Furthermore, it is the students’ responsibility to make his/her own travel and insurance arrangements. ITS will NOT cover such costs.
7.8 Students shall sign a Commitment form, confirming their undertaking to undergo the full period of industrial training abroad (1 year).
7.9 Students undertaking the international internship who return to Malta for justified medical or humanitarian reasons acceptable to the Student Cases Board may be allowed to proceed with their diploma/higher national diploma level studies on condition that they will not graduate before:
7.9.1 Completing their one (1) year internship; or
7.9.2 Working full-time for one year in the hospitality and tourism industry in Malta in a property approved by ITS.
7.10 Students who fail to complete their one-year International Internship for a reason considered justified by the Institute will have the period of overseas Internship taken into consideration for the purposes of sub- section (b) of this section, subject to conditions imposed by the Student Cases Board.
7.11 Students have the right to ask for assistance from the Internships Office as well as the Student Services Department both before their placement/s as well as during.
7.12 During LITP the student is considered as a representative of ITS and must therefore adhere to the regulations of the employer with which s/he is working as well as ITS regulations concerning behaviour which are applicable for that workplace. A learning agreement is to be made by students with a supervisor or mentor from the side of the employer with a view to enabling the student to identify a series of specified learning outcomes.
7.13 If a student is dismissed from an IITP by the employer on grounds of behaviour and/or alleged flouting of regulations ITS will automatically refer the case to its Disciplinary Board which will reserve the right to recommend any sanctions which it deems fit. The case will also be referred to the Student Cases Board (SCB) which will determine the next step for the student in terms of LITP placement. The SCB will also have the faculty to decide whether the student will be given another chance or will be given a Fail in the placement.
7.14 Students that terminate their IITP prematurely will be referred to the CEO who may then refer the case to the Disciplinary Board and/or the SCB according to the circumstances surrounding the case.
7.15 The Internship office may consider requests for a change in placements when this request is justified. The decision of the Executive Director or his/her delegate is final.
7.16 ITS will not carry any responsibility of any financial losses incurred by employers due to failed completion of IITP and employers cannot be excluded from proceeding against the student/s in question.
7.17 Students who report abuse on the workplace have a right to ask the ITS to intervene and are strongly encouraged to inform the Internships Office immediately so that ITS will be able to take steps to ensure the student’s safety and/or rights. In cases whereby students are found and/or suspected to be subjected to harassment and/or abuse and/or any form of mistreatment the ITS will reserve the right to change the IITP placement location of the students without the students incurring any loss of hours from their IITP obligations.
7.18 It is the responsibility of students to make sure that the IITP is worked in a regular employment sanctioned by legislation in force from time to time. Irregular employments will not be considered. The Internships Department will ask each student for official payslips as per legislation. Failure to provide this documentation as well as other documentation asked for by the ITS may lead to course termination and a fail in the IITP.
7.19 Students are to adhere to the work permit and VISA conditions of the host country where they are carrying out their internship.
8.1 All MQF qualifications provided by the Institute of Tourism Studies will be awarded after the successful completion of the course.
8.2 Unless otherwise directed by the Board of Studies, module assessment is graded as follows:
95 – 100% A+
80 – 94% A
75 – 79% B+
70 – 74% B
65 – 69% C+
55 – 64% C
50 – 54% D+
46 – 49% D (Conditional Pass)
8.3 The ITS Certificates/ Diplomas are awarded on the following basis:
Distinction 85% and over Merit 65% - 84%
Pass 50%- 64%
Fail 0% - 49%
8.4 Bachelor’s degrees offered by ITS will be classified as follows:
80 – 100% Category I
First Class Honours
70 – 79% Category IIA
Upper Second-Class Honours
55 – 69% Category IIB
Lower Second-Class Honours
45 – 54% Category III
Third Class
0 - 44% Unclassified
8.5 Master’s Degrees Classification
(unless otherwise specified and communicated)
80 – 100% Pass with Distinction
70 – 79% Pass with Merit
50 – 69% Pass
0 – 49% Fail
8.6 Awards, certificates and diplomas
8.6.1 ITS will issue all certificates, diplomas and awards in the name with which the student is registered.
8.6.2 ITS will only replace a lost certificate or diploma if the student provides a sworn declaration in front of a Commissioner for Oaths and pays the appropriate fee (if and when applicable, which fee is decided and set by ITS). ITS will replace a damaged certificate or diploma free of charge if the original is returned to the Conferment Unit/Registrar.
8.6.3 ITS will only issue a replacement certificate or diploma which involves a change of name, in exceptional circumstances. However, student must provide the required evidence, return the original certificate or diploma and pay the appropriate fee. Replacement of Blockcerts follow the same regulations stipulated above.
8.7 Attending award ceremonies
8.7.1 Certification of Full-time Courses and a number of the Part-time courses are awarded at an Award Ceremony which ITS holds at least once a year for that purpose.
8.7.2 Attendance to the Award Ceremony and/or collection of certification and transcripts is only permitted if all fees and any dues are fully settled.
8.7.3 Students are not obliged to attend the Award Ceremony and failure to attend will not impinge on the certification.
8.7.4 Students need to inform the Registrar’s Department regarding attending the Award Ceremony in line with arrangements set out and published by the Registrar.
8.7.5 Students unable to attend for the Graduation Award Ceremony will be invited to collect their certificate from the institute.
8.7.6 ITS may award blockchain qualifications prior or after the actual graduation ceremony.
8.8 As of academic year 2021-2022 all accredited courses will have a maximum time frame of consecutive years in which they are to be completed for award of qualification as follows:
8.8.1 Foundation – Certificate – 3 years
8.8.2 Diploma – HND – 4 years
8.8.3 Degrees – 5 years for courses taken on full time basis, 8 years for courses taken on part time or modular basis, provided that in cases of students switching between full time and other modes the duration will be determined on a pro-rata basis by the Registrar
8.8.4 Masters – 4 years
8.8.5 All ITS accredited part time courses as well as any ALP arrangements (Alternative Learning Programmes), which do not lead to a full qualification – 3 years
8.8.6 Students who fail to complete their qualification in the timeframes established in this clause will be deemed to have failed in their studies and they will be terminated without the possibility of repeating or continuing failed or missing modules, unless otherwise directed by the board of studies.
8.9 Further to clause 8.8 in these rules and regulations the following conditions apply:
8.9.1 All full time courses and part time courses leading to full qualifications or accredited awards commencing before academic year 2021-2022 will have a maximum duration of 5 years for completion.
8.9.2 Students who fail to complete their qualification in the timeframes established in this clause will be deemed to have failed in their studies and they will be terminated without the possibility of repeating or continuing failed or missing modules, unless otherwise directed by the board of studies.
9.1 Part time courses will be offered by ITS for which eligible applicants may apply through a dedicated call of applications.
9.2 Full payment for part time courses should be made prior to the commencement date.
9.3 If a student decides to stop attending a part-time course, no refund will be given by the Institute.
9.4 If ITS changes the date or cancels a course the student is entitled for a full refund.
9.5 Applicants may be requested to pay a registration fee during the application process.
9.6 ITS reserves the right to refrain from launching a part time course for any reason management deems fit.
10.1 Students are obliged to inform the Registrar’s Office of any changes in their personal details and any changes of address and/or telephone number, etc. All changes need to be communicated via ITS email accounts and sent to registrar@ its.edu.mt. ITS will not be held responsible for any correspondence not received if students fail to update their personal details through the above- mentioned methodology. Students are also required to advise the Registrar’s Department if they change their personal email address since this will be the address used to issue blockcerts.
11.1 General Provisions
11.1.1 All students, irrespective of whether they are following a full time or a part time course, need to follow regulations and directions at all times while on campus.
11.1.2 All students who are on an industrial placement in Malta or abroad, as part of their studies at ITS, need to comply with the employers’ regulations and directions while on placement as well as uphold the image of ITS through positive behaviour.
11.1.3 Students who, for some reason, fail to abide by the directions and/or regulations of the Institutions, including 11.1 and 11.2 above, may be subjected to Disciplinary procedures accordingly.
11.2 Disciplinary Board
11.2.1 The Board of Governors shall appoint a Disciplinary Board with a minimum of three external members one of whom will serve as chairperson. The Disciplinary Board is of a consultative nature and will advise the CEO on disciplinary action to be taken on different cases. In all cases the decision of the CEO is final and appealable only to the Board of Governors.
11.2.2 The Disciplinary Board reserves the right to set up its procedures in agreement with the CEO and/or the Chairperson of the Board of Governors.
11.2.3 The Disciplinary Board will decide whether the student/s accused is/are guilty of the misconduct as reported to it. In case the student/s is/are found guilty the Disciplinary Board will recommend a disciplinary action to the CEO.
11.2.4 Unless otherwise stated in these regulations, the final decision on any disciplinary action is taken by the CEO of the Institute of Tourism Studies.
11.3 Disciplinary Procedure
11.3.1 Reports of misconduct of any nature carried out by students while on campus and/or industrial placement need to be forwarded in writing or in person to the Registrar and/or the Deputy Registrar.
11.3.2 The Registrar will contact the person who is alleged to have carried out the misconduct to explain the short comings reported and give 5 working days to the student to give his/her version of facts in writing.
11.3.3 If no reply is forthcoming or if the Registrar feels that the student did not exculpate him/herself the registrar will proceed with the disciplinary procedure as explained in 12.4.
11.3.4 In the case of a minor offence the student will receive a written warning which will be kept in his/her personal file. In the case of a major offence and/or gross misconduct the registrar will refer the student to the Disciplinary Board.
11.3.5 If a student receives three written warnings in one academic year the student will be referred to the Board of Discipline.
11.3.6 A summon to the Disciplinary Board, unless otherwise decided by the Disciplinary Board itself, will also be considered as a written warning.
11.3.7 Minor offences will include breaches of regulations and actions listed hereunder but not limited to: Improper use of language Incorrect uniform Minor altercations with peers Other offences which are deemed to be of a minor nature by the CEO and/
or by the Director of Studies and/or by the Registrar
11.3.8 Major offences will include breaches of regulations and actions listed hereunder but not limited to: Bullying on peers and/or employees Harassment on peers and/or ITS employees Theft and/or damage of ITS property and/or property belonging to
others while on campus and/or internship Use of illegal substances while on campus or on internship Cheating during examinations and/or assessments Hacking and/or tampering with ITS IT equipment Racist and/or sexist remarks and/or actions towards peers and/or fellow
workers Violent conduct Other offences which are deemed to be gross misconduct
11.3.9 Students who break the National Laws and Legislation may be reported to the Police.
11.3.10 Students who are processed in the courts of law for an offence carried out at ITS or while on internship will not be subjected to a Board of Discipline before the case is concluded. The CEO however reserves the right to suspend such students for an indefinite or a definite period if deemed necessary.
11.3.11 Independently from any investigation run by external authorities ITS reserves the right to investigate misconduct of any nature. All investigations should be reported to the Registrar.
11.3.12 In the case of serious offences such as, but not limited to, those listed in these regulations, the student may be suspended immediately by the Executive Director. No stipends will be paid during the period of suspension.
12.1 A formal written statement confirming the suspension and requiring the student to appear before the Board of Discipline will be sent by the CEO or the Director of Studies to the student within ten (10) working days from the occurrence of the misconduct. A copy will be sent to the parents or legal guardians if the student is under eighteen (18) years of age. In the case of a suspension the Board of Discipline will be convened within ten (10) working days of the date of suspension by the CEO and/or by the Registrar.
12.2 Prior to the commencement of the hearing of the case, the student charged with the offence shall have the right to know the details of the whole case against him, shall have adequate opportunity of making his/her defence and shall be entitled to the assistance of a person of his/her choice in the preparation and presentation of his/her case.
12.3 The ITS Board of Discipline shall have the power to seek advice whenever it considers such advice to be necessary or expedient and to summon any person to appear before it to give evidence or to produce any document.
12.4 In exercising its function under these regulations, the Board of Discipline shall offer a fair opportunity to the student to present his/her case and ensure that justice is done according to the substantive matters of the case.
12.5 In the case of an offence where the Disciplinary Board has recommended the expulsion of the student from the Institute, the Chairperson of the Board of Discipline will refer the recommendation to the Board of Governors for the final endorsement.
12.6 If the case turns out in favour of the accused and found unjustified, the stipend will be refunded for the days missed and an official exemption from classes shall be issued by the Executive Director or his/her delegate.
13.1 If a student does not agree with the decision taken by the Board of Discipline and/or with the sanctions subsequently taken by the CEO s/he may file an appeal in writing through either registered post or through the official email address provided to the student.
13.2 The appeal will be heard and decided upon by the Board of Governors or by an Appeals Board constituted by the Chairperson of the Board of Governors.
13.3 Appeals need to be received by the ITS within 10 working days of the decision received and may be sent to the Registrar and/or to the CEO who will then forward to the Chairperson of the BOG.
13.4 All documents relating to the case should be made available to the Board of Appeals.
13.5 The student shall be entitled to the assistance of a person of his/her choice in the preparation and presentation of his/her case during any hearing of the appeal.
13.6 During an Appeal sitting members of the Board of Discipline that heard the original case will need to recluse themselves unless otherwise directed by the Chairperson.
13.7 The Board of Governors and/or the Board of Appeals shall have the power to seek advice whenever it considers such advice to be necessary or expedient and to summon any person to appear before it to give evidence or to produce any documents.
13.8 After investigating the case and establishing the facts, the Board of Governors and/or the Board of Appeals shall communicate in writing its final decision to the CEO and to the student by not later than five working days from the date of its decision. A copy of the letter will be sent to the student’s parent/legal guardian if the student is under eighteen years of age.
14.1 Letters of resignation shall be sent to the Registrar of the Institute and students may be called in for an exit interview.
14.2 Students who are eligible for a maintenance grant and who resign will be paid up to the last day of attendance.
14.3 Payments made by students who resign are not refundable unless otherwise directed by management.
14.4 Students who resign from a specific programme may re-apply for another programme at the Institute.
14.5 Students may be allowed to change to a part-time status during their programme of studies. The respective part-time fees shall apply.
15.1 Prospective applicants who are in possession of non-Maltese educational qualifications must attach with the relevant application the Document giving recognition and information about their qualifications issued by the Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre at the NCFHE.
15.2 EU applicants, and those holding a foreign passport but having one parent of Maltese nationality (as indicated in Para 1.4) shall be exempted from the payment of the fulltime course tuition fee from the commencement of the course of study.
15.3 EU applicants, and those holding a foreign passport but having one parent of Maltese nationality [as indicated above in Para 1.4], must have been residing in Malta for a period of not less than five (5) years from the date of commencement of the relative course of studies to be entitled to receive the weekly stipend.
15.4 Applicants who do not fall in any of the above categories will be charged tuition fees applicable to the courses they apply for if they are accepted. All applicants of all nationalities must pay a non-refundable registration fee. Applicants must pay the tuition fee for the first academic semester prior to the commencement of the course. Unless the course in question is fully online, or mostly online, this tuition fee will only be refunded if request for Visa is refused and student is not allowed to travel to Malta. Subsequent tuition payments are to be made prior to the beginning of each semester.
15.5 The ITS prospectus outlines the entry criteria for each course and all applicants are encouraged to inform themselves accordingly. Failure to meet the entry criteria established in the specific programme applied for may result in non acceptance.
15.6 All foreign students may be asked to undertake an English proficiency test which may determine the level of entry of the student.
15.7 Students who are not Maltese and non-EU who fail to successfully complete a qualification after their second attempt are not eligible to apply for the same full qualification course again.
15.8 Students may apply for exemption of fees from the Ministry of Education. This process has to be renewed in September prior to each Academic year.
16.1 These Rules and Regulations will come into effect on the first day of the academic year 2019/20. If deemed necessary, any amendments to these Rules and Regulations will come into effect only with the approval of the Board of Governors. 16.2 All students will be notified of any amendments via email and regulations will be published on ITS website.
17.1 In the absence of the Chief Executive Officer, the Board of Governors shall delegate other persons/person to act and assume such responsibilities of such posts.
1. Uniforms
a. Male Dress Code Attire
i. Black Polished Shoes
ii. Black Socks
iii. Navy Blue Trousers (Colour as stipulated by ITS)
iv. Black Belt
v. White Long-Sleeved Shirt (Winter)
vi. White Short Sleeved Shirt (Summer)
vii. Official ITS Tie
viii. Navy Blue Waistcoat (Colour as stipulated by ITS)
ix. Navy Blue Jacket (Colour as stipulated by ITS)
x. Navy Blue coloured sweater (V-Neck) during the winter month
b. Female Dress Code Attire
i. Black polished court shoes. No high heels are allowed.
ii. Black or skin coloured stockings (opaque stockings are not permissible)
iii. Navy Blue Trousers or Skirt (Colour as stipulated by ITS)
iv. White Long-Sleeved Shirt (Winter)
v. White Short Sleeved Shirt (Summer)
vi. Navy Blue Waistcoat (Colour as stipulated by ITS)
vii. Official ITS Scarf
viii. Navy Blue Blazer (Colour as stipulated by ITS)
ix. Navy Blue Cardigan during the winter months
The uniforms outlined in Section C, D and hereunder must be worn prior to class on the ITS grounds. Once class is over, students are expected to change in their full ITS uniform. Any students which are caught leaving the ITS premises in one of these uniforms will be subject to disciplinary procedures.
c. Male Standard Restaurant and Bar Service Uniforms
i. Navy Blue Trousers (Colour as stipulated by ITS)
ii. White Long-Sleeved Shirt
iii. Official ITS Tie
iv. Black Socks
v. Black Shoes (Clean and Polished – preferably with laces.)
vi. Overall
1. Apron for food and beverage servers (Supplied by ITS)
2. Nametag (Available at ITS)
d. Female Standard Restaurant and Bar Service Uniforms
i. Navy Blue Trousers or Skirt (Colour as stipulated by ITS)
ii. White Long-Sleeved Shirt
iii. Official ITS Scarf
iv. Skin Coloured Tights
v. Black Court Shoes (no ballerina shoes are allowed)
vi. Overall
1. Apron for food and beverage servers (Supplied by ITS)
2. Nametag (Available at ITS)
e. Food and Beverage Servers Requirements:
i. Writing pen
ii. Wristwatch
iii. Clean white waiter’s cloth (Provided by ITS)
iv. Box of matches or gas lighter
v. In addition, students are expected to purchase their own Crown Cork
extractor (as approved by ITS)
f. Standard Kitchen Uniforms
i. Skull Caps
ii. Hair Nets (When appropriate)
iii. White Necktie
iv. Double breasted Chef’s Jacket (Long Sleeve)
v. Long white apron
vi. White oven cloth/dish cloth
vii. Checked blue trousers
viii. White Safety Shoes (With a steel toe protection)
ix. White overall (When out of kitchen)
g. Student’s Uniform serving at the Apron
i. Black trousers
ii. Black laced shoe (No Safety Shoes)
iii. Black Socks
iv. Polo-Shirt
v. Halter apron
vi. Cap (To be provided by ITS)
vii. Name tag (Available at ITS)
h. Part-Time Students
Part time students are expected to wear smart clothes on campus.
Males are expected to wear shirts and trousers while females are expected to
trousers or skirts with a smart top.
Please note that part-time students are NOT ALLOWED to wear:
• Jeans
• T-Shirts or Tank Tops
• Caps/Hats
• Miniskirts
Full time students should present themselves at the Institute with the full ITS uniforms. Part time and fulltime students that have kitchen or service practical are expected to wear the proper industrial uniform once on ITS grounds.
2. Grooming and Appearance
a. Hairstyles: Hairstyles must not be extreme or unusual and should be appropriate for the health and safety. Hair must be clean, well groomed, and neatly styled at all times. Hair should be of a natural colour, even if dyed. Braids are acceptable as long as they are not adorned with beads, and other objects.
b. Hair Length: Students who prefer long hair should take special care that it is neat and well styled. Hair below shoulder length should be combed away from the face. Food & Beverage students may also need to wear hair nets to satisfy Food Safety regulations. Hair accessories must be professional in nature and are acceptable as long as there’s no safety hazard.
c. Facial Hair: Students must either be clean-shaven or have a conservative, neatly trimmed beard, moustache or goatee. Growing of beards is not permitted during school periods but has to be grown during school holidays.
d. Nails: Nails should be kept clean, well- groomed and of moderate length. Polish colours should be appropriate for a business environment and maintained to avoid chipping. Nail extensions and extreme styles are not allowed.
e. Make- Up: Make-up should be business-like and have a professional appearance. Bright, bold, extreme, glittered or unusual shades or colours in foundation, blush, eye shadow, or lipstick are not acceptable.
f. Tattoos: Tattoos that are visible on hands, face or neck, or if they depict words or images that are intimidating, violent or sexual in nature, or otherwise inappropriate are not acceptable. In situations where the suitability of tattoos comes into question the opinion of COO Academia or Chief Executive Officer will prevail. Students deemed to be sporting visible inappropriate tattoos may be terminated.
g. Piercings: Only discreet ear piercings are permitted. Other visible piercings (such as tongue, eyebrow, cheek, etc.) are not permitted. Extreme styles of piercing (such as stretching or gauges) are also prohibited.
h. Jewellery: No extreme jewellery is permitted whilst studying at the Institute.
These grooming guidelines are there as a general rule, and relate to industry best practice, however specific grooming guidelines may apply for specific programmes.
1. Progression
a. Students enrolled in programmes with an exit qualification and wish to
to a higher-level qualification, must satisfy the following criteria:
i. Obtain a pass in their attendance as per rules and regulations;
ii. Obtain a pass in coursework and examination in all modules within the
current programme;
iii. Obtain passes in all modules which have been referred from previous years.
In courses between MQF level 2 and 4, in case a student fails to obtain a pass following a second attempt during supplementary sessions, he/she would be entitled to refer up to 6 ECTS/ECVET and up to 2 modules from the current programme to the higher-level qualification within the same stream in the following academic year. This is not applicable for Key Programme Modules (KPM) – such modules are often a pre-requisite to a higher-level qualification. The Curriculum Department shall determine the KPMs for each programme of study and communicate this to students.
In courses between MQF level 5 and 6, in case a student fails to obtain a pass following a second attempt during supplementary sessions, he/she would be entitled to refer up to 12 ECTS/ECVET and up to 2 modules from the current programme to the higher-level qualification/next academic year within the same stream in the following academic year. This is not applicable for Key Programme Modules (KPM) – such modules are often a pre-requisite to a higher-level qualification. The Curriculum Department shall determine the KPMs for each programme of study and communicate this to students.
Specific cases may be referred to the Board of Studies whose decision is final.
2. The assessment algorithm
a. Each module will be assessed according to the criteria set out in the unit descriptor.
b. Each student shall be informed as to the proportion of weighting that each component contributes to the overall of the programme.
c. The `overall mark’ in all modules is determined according to the algorithm stated in the unit descriptor. Students must at least achieve 50% in both coursework and examination. In the case of modules using continuous assessment, students must achieve a pass mark i.e. of 50%.
d. Students who obtain a minimum of 46% in either coursework or examination may be given a Compensated Pass (CP) provided that the total average mark is a minimum of 50%. The grade on the transcript will show as CP and the student will obtain the ECTS credits.
e. Students obtaining an examination mark of less than 50% will be required to sit for the supplementary exam session of the same module at the next available opportunity.
f. As of Academic Year 2021/2022 students who fail from one module only during the academic year will be given a compensated pass in that module if they satisfy the following conditions:
• The particular module’s total average mark is at least 30%
• The module value in ECTS is up to 4 ECTS maximum
• The particular module is not defined as a Key Module
• The total average mark across all modules carried out throughout the whole
academic year in which the module in question is current is at least 50%
3. Re-sit examinations
a. Students must re-sit failed examinations at the next available opportunity. NB: Students who fail their attendance will not be eligible for an examination re-sit. Students who fail coursework based on in-class theoretical and/or self-study sessions (e.g..: class tests, home assignments and viva voce presentation) may be eligible for a second attempt.
b. Students will only have one opportunity to re-sit failed examinations.
c. Examinations will be held at either at:
• the Institute;
• a centre designated by the Institute or
• online
d. Students may only be awarded a maximum mark of 50% for any re-sit examination.
e. Students failing a re-sit examination will have to repeat the module at the next available opportunity.
f. The Examinations Board, following a recommendation of the Student Cases Board backed by the necessary justifications, may decide to re-assess a student using a different assessment method which is not listed in the module descriptor.
4. Assignments
a. All assignments (portfolios, logbooks, projects and any other coursework) must be submitted according to the deadline set by lecturer.
b. Whenever a student fails in the assessment of an assignment and/or a project and/ or a presentation and/or some other assessment means which is neither an official examination not continuous assessment across multiple lectures, the student will have a right to repeat and/or resubmit the work for re-assessment. Students who fail to submit any work for the original assessment will automatically forfeit their chance of resubmission and will get a fail unless otherwise decided by the COO Academia. Lecturers are to give the opportunity for re-assessment as soon as results are communicated and are to set reasonable deadlines for resubmission accordingly and as directed by the COO Academia. Provided that in cases where the student’s mark is a re-assessment both marks need to be presented to the Registrar for processing purposes. In cases of re-assessment the highest mark attainable is 50%.
5. Tourist guiding students who follow the following modules - Field visits English; Field visits Italian; Field visits German; Field visits Spanish; Filed visits French - need to obtain at least a 70% pass or higher in these modules in order to receive the MTA license in the particular language. This is an MTA requirement. Moreover, licensed tourist guides can apply to sit for the final exam of any of these modules if they wish to add another language. They also need to get at least 70 % or better to obtain the license.
The ITS reserves the right to charge fees for requests of revision of paper in all categories below. Fees are established by the ITS and may be changed from time to time.
1. Coursework
a. Any students who does not agree with the result of an assessment can request a meeting with the assessor within 10 working days from the receipt of the assessment result giving the reasons behind this disagreement. If the assessor finds reason to alter the decision the student will be informed, and amendments made to the assessment’s records. In cases where the original result is confirmed, the student can appeal this decision within ten working days by writing to the Board of Studies. The Board of Studies will consider the evidence and discuss this appeal with the student and assessor and if felt necessary, seek the opinion of a second assessor.
b. Having made a decision based on careful consideration of the facts, the Board of Studies will communicate this to the student, the assessor and the Registrar’s office. This decision is final and binding.
c. All results will be sent via official email channels used by the ITS and the day when the results are sent is defined as the day of publication of results for the purposes of this Appendix.
2. Written Examination Paper
a. Students seeking a revision of examination paper shall submit their request in writing to the Registrar within 10 working days from receipt of the official result sheet.
b. Requests for a revision of examination paper shall be accompanied by an administrative fee of €25 each paper. The request will be sent to the Registrar’s office which will then alert the Director of Studies and the Examinations Board. The Examinations Board and/or the Director of Studies will assign the examination paper to another assessor for a new judgement. Following this procedure, the Director of studies will decide the final mark the student merits and informs the Registrar and the student of the decision.
c. The decision of the Director of Studies is final and only appealable to the Board of Governors.
d. The fee charged is refunded if the student’s request is found to be justified.
3. Practical Examination
As of academic year 2024-25 revision of papers of practical examinations will not be allowed. This is due to the fact that it is impossible for an external assessor who was not present during a practical examination to assess practical work judging solely from photos and third hand reports. Students who feel aggrieved by a practical examination result and who have evidence that they were not treated fairly during the examination have the right to contact the academic manager related to the particular area of studies and/or IQAC, who in turn may conduct an investigation. If the investigation upholds the student’s claims the Registrar is to be informed and the Registrar, in agreement with the COO Academia and/or person responsible for Academics, may order an exam retake either for the individual student or for the whole cohort depending on the findings of the investigation.
4. Higher National Diploma in Tourist Guiding Long Essay, Undergraduate Diploma Dissertations and Master Degree thesis
a. A revision of paper can be requested by a student for an Higher National Diploma in Tourist Guiding Lond Essay, Undergraduate Diploma Dissertations and a Master Degree thesis. This is governed by the policy and procedure number P068 on revision of papers for long essays and dissertations.
b. The administrative fee of this procedure amounts to EUR100.
1. Students are to wear the full ITS uniform or as directed by the Registrar to
be admitted for examinations., Part-time students are expected to wear smart
attire, consistent with the ITS dress code. Students attending a practical
examination may be refused entry if they are found to have unacceptable
hygienic standards and/or are not in full practical uniforms as per ITS student
rules and regulations Appendix I.
2. Students must be in the examination room 20 minutes before the commencement
of the examination.
3. Students will be allowed 10 minutes reading time prior to the commencement
of the examination. Late students not exceeding 20 minutes from the start of
the exam will only be allowed entry after the completion of reading time, at the
discretion of the Chief Invigilator.
4. Students should read carefully and follow the instructions printed on the
page of the examination question paper.
5. Students are not allowed to take to their desk in the examination room and
material other than the normal writing item, i.e. pens, pencils, rubbers, ruler
an approved calculator.
6. Personal belongings including stationary pockets, personal organisers, mobile
phones, books or notes are to be handed over to the invigilator for safe
7. Mobile phones are to be switched off during examinations.
8. Students must write in black, blue-black or blue ink. Diagrams may be drawn
in pencil
9. Students must complete the details on the front cover of all examination
booklets, and on any other material used. Any rough work should be entered in
the booklet and then clearly ruled through in pencil.
10. Students are not allowed to communicate with other students during
examinations. Students wishing to ask a question should quietly attract the
attention of the invigilator.
11. Eating and drinking during any examination is prohibited.
12. Students are not allowed to leave the examination room during an
However, the invigilator may in exceptional circumstances allow a student to
leave the room in cases of illness or if the student has an urgent need to go
to the bathroom. An invigilator must accompany him/her whilst outside the
examination room.
13. Students, who finish any examination before the allocated time, may give in
their papers to the invigilator and leave the room quietly. However, students
not be allowed to leave the examination room within the first 30 minutes of the
examination. Students should not remain outside the examination room as they
may disturb the other students sitting for their examination.
14. Students will be referred to the Board of Discipline for any breach of the
regulations. They may also be suspended from an examination for misbehaviour
or misconduct.
15. Students who are caught cheating during any examination will not be allowed
to finish the specific paper.
16. Reported cases of cheating will be referred to the Board of Discipline and
result in the expulsion from the Institute. However, the student will be allowed
to continue to sit for the rest of the examinations.
1. The Library shall be open for study and research purposes, and shall be available for the borrowing of books to:
a. Members of the Board of Governors of the Institute;
b. Members of the full-time and part-time teaching staff of the Institute
c. Members of the administrative staff of the Institute;
d. Full-time registered students of the Institute;
e. Persons to whom permission has been issued as provided in
Regulation 2.
2. Permits for the regular borrowing of books may also be issued by the Librarian against the payment of a prescribed deposit to the following persons:
a. Members of the recognised professional bodies as approved by the Board of
b. Holders of Certificates and Diplomas awarded by the Institute;
c. Registered ITS students not receiving a stipend;
d. Persons engaged in study and research requiring books which are not available
in other Maltese libraries accessible to the public.
3. Applications for Library permits must be made on the prescribed form available from the Librarian. The Librarian may require a written recommendation from a person of a professional standing resident in Malta.
4. Library members and holders of Library permits may have on loan at any one time not more than the following number of books:
a. Members of the teaching staff of the Institution – six (6)
b. Higher National Diploma Students – six (6)
c. All other full-time and part-time students of the Institute – three (3)
d. All other categories – three (3)
5. The period allowed of loan for each book is as follows:
a. Members of the teaching staff of the Institution – two (2) weeks
b. All other borrowers – three (3) weeks
c. A loan may be renewed for a further period or periods, provided that the book
is brought to the Library for this purpose. A loan is not renewed if the book
been reserved by another borrower.
a. All books required for loan must be presented at the circulation desk.
b. The borrower must ensure that a return-by date is stamped in each book
to be borrowed.
c. All books borrowed must be presented at the circulation desk when returned
to the Library. The borrower can get a receipt of return is requested.
7. Any Library book cannot be transferred to another borrower unless it is returned and re- issued in the prescribed manner.
a. If a book is retained by a borrower beyond the loan period allowed, a fine
2 euros per week or part of a week will be charged in respect of each book so
retained. Such delay charges will be automatically deducted from the borrower’s
maintenance grantor from the deposit as the case may be.
b. If, after a third reminder is issued, a borrower still fails to return a book
library services and facilities such to him/her shall be withdrawn until loaned
are returned.
c. In the case of permit holders, re-applications for the use of library
services will
be accepted at the discretion of the Librarian.
a. Any person who consults or borrows a book is responsible for its safe
and any damage to the book is strictly forbidden.
b. Any person will be required to make good to the satisfaction of the Librarian
any loss or damage which may occur to any Library item while it is on loan or
being consulted. Anyone who loses an item or mutilates it shall be liable to pay
replacement cost, which will be deducted from the borrower’s stipend or deposit
as the case may be.
10. The Librarian may designate any book a reference book in liaison. Books so designated may not be borrowed.
11. The Librarian may designate any book a reserved short loan book. Books so designated may, at the discretion of the Librarian, be borrowed after 3:00PM and brought back the following day before 9:00AM, under the following provisions:
a. A borrower who fails to return such a short loan book punctually shall be
charged a fine of 2 euros per day.
b. A Library member shall not retain a reserved book or a reference book for
than three hours if another member requires the same book.
a. Bags, briefcases, baskets and laptop cases are not allowed in the Library or
Learning Resources Centre. Such items are to be left in the lockers provided for
this purpose. However, neither the Librarian nor the Institute is responsible
for the
loss of, or damage to any article laced on the rack.
b. Smoking, eating or drinking and voice calls on mobile phones are not allowed
the Library and in the Learning Resources Centre, unless approved by the
c. Silence is to be maintained at all times in the Library and in the Learning
Resources Centre.
13. The Librarian may for a valid reason prohibit any person from using the Library and/or the Learning Resources Centre. Appeals from such decisions shall be forwarded in writing to the Director of Studies.
a. Students are allowed to use the Internet but only for e-mail/research
regarding academic matters.
b. Laptops, tablets and mobile phones are allowed in the library as long as they
are kept on mute and that they are being utilized for e-mail/research/academic
1. Rules
a. These rules apply to all computer hardware and software (whether ITS
or not), which students use on ITS premises.
b. ICT facilities must not be used for any illegal activity.
2. Copyright
a. It is illegal to store or publish unlicensed copyright material.
b. Students must comply with the terms and conditions of all licence agreements
relating to IT facilities which are used, including software, equipment,
documents and other goods.
c. Students must not modify any software without permission from the licensor.
3. Privacy and privileged information
a. Students must treat any information which becomes available to them through using ITS’ computers as privileged. This means they must not copy, change, pass it on or use it in any other way without the permission of the owner or appropriate organisation.
4. Penalties
a. Students who break these rules, we may be banned from using certain
for up to seven days. Further action may also be taken against the relevant
as allowed in the rules and regulations.
b. In case of damaged files or hardware, ITS may also charge students the full
of replacement, including labour and related costs.
Students enrolled in academic programmes at MQF Level 5 and upper may be requested to conduct research as part of the fulfilment of the obligations to obtain the qualification. Students are expected to submit a long essay or a research project for MQF Level 5 HND programmes, a dissertation for undergraduate MQF 6 programmes and a thesis for MQF 7 Master’s degree programmes.
The ARPB shall publish all relevant guidelines and instructions related to Long Essays, Dissertations and Theses. These shall include the relevant timelines, proposal and manuscript templates, assessment rubrics and procedures, academic formats, publication formats, ethical guidelines, academic integrity guidelines, the rights and responsibilities of both the student and the tutor/supervisor, and any other relevant documentation to support the student’s research and the smooth administration of the process. These need to be presented to both the student and the tutor/supervisor before the submission of the proposal.
The ARPB shall update these guidelines regularly in consultation with the Board of Studies (BoS) as necessary. Please refer to Policy Number 28, Students’ Research.
The Proposal and the Selection of the Tutor
Students at HND, Undergraduate and Master’s level must be introduced to the research process at an appropriate time in line with the programme’s diet. The first step is to support the students to submit a proposal together with their suggested name/s of potential tutor/s and/or supervisor/s. The ARPB shall organise and provide all necessary support both through specific initiatives and following consultation with the Curriculum Department and the academics delivering study units related to academic writing and research.
Students should be challenged to think and to produce original research that contributes to the body of knowledge in travel, tourism, hospitality, and culture, especially in Malta. This will be reflected in the proposal.
The students are expected to develop the proposal according to the guidelines provided by the ARPB that reflect the relevant programme of studies.
At this stage, the proposal would be reviewed by the ARPB. Within its review, the Board shall either accept the proposal, or else refuse and recommend a number of changes or amendments before considering a resubmission.
The Institute provides a list of persons who would be available to act as tutors and supervisors. The students shall be given the opportunity to propose their own tutor/supervisor, subject to approval by the ARPB, which would look into the academic suitability of the proposed names along with other factors such as the research tutorship load of the suggested academic. In the case where the proposed name by the student is not accepted or the student does not have any names in mind, the ARPB shall allocate the tutor/supervisor that would best support the student’s research. Please refer to Policy Number 69, Tutor or Supervisor Allocations.
Both the student and the tutor/supervisor must be made aware of the deadlines and milestones of the research journey, and of their roles, supporting services, rights, and responsibilities.
Doing the research
If the ARPB approves the proposal, the students may commence with their work by meeting the tutor/supervisor to plan the schedule of work. This must be carried out in line with the relevant rules and regulations, including any ethical clearance.
It is the responsibility of the student to keep the tutor/supervisor updated and seek their feedback while meeting the stipulated deadlines.
The students have the right to ask the ARPB to change the tutor/supervisor if they can prove that they have not established a good working relationship with said tutor/supervisor. The tutor/supervisor can also submit a similar request. The ARPB shall facilitate this change one time during the research process.
The students are entitled to academic support not only from their tutor/supervisor but also from the ARPB and other units within the Institute in finalising their research, always recognising the primary role of the tutor/supervisor and the ARPB.
The submitted long essay/dissertation/thesis must correspond to the established layout, format, and academic specifications published by the ARPB and the programme diet as approved by the BoS and the Programme Quality Validation Board (PQVB).
The ARPB shall decide on reasonable submission deadlines for both the proposal and final manuscript, which in turn will be aligned to the programme of study as approved by the BoS and the PQVB.
Tutors and supervisors have the responsibility to inform the ARPB if the progress of the student’s research work is not satisfactory or if there are any issues that would preclude the successful completion of the research.
On the other hand, the students have to respect the role of the tutor/supervisor and to submit work for feedback in good time.
All research submissions have to undergo an anti-plagiarism check and should have been cleared in terms of ethical considerations before being assessed. Academics shall inform their students to submit their assignment through the anti-plagiarism checker. The guiding maximum score allowed is 15 % excluding direct quotations and references (the bibliography). In case of a higher similarity index percentage, the ARPB shall review the similarity report and decide whether the work should still be corrected. If there are grounds for plagiarism, the Chief Operating Officer – Academia shall be notified for the necessary disciplinary action to be taken. Please refer to Policy Number 31, Against Plagiarism.
Extensions of Long Essays, Dissertations and Theses
An extension of a long essay/dissertation/thesis submission deadline can be awarded to a student upon permission of the ARPB. The final decision on awarding extensions shall always be taken by the ARPB.
The procedure for requesting an extension shall be as follows: The student shall fill in an extension form, which can be obtained by sending an email to ARPB. The student shall first send the filled-in extension form via email to the tutor, who in turn is required to provide comments, and then send the extension form via email to arpb@its.edu.mt. The extension form shall be approved or otherwise by the ARPB upon discussion. The extension form shall be submitted by not later than one month from the final submission date of the long essay/dissertation/thesis. Late requests shall be subject to the ARPB’s decision. The extension form shall be approved or otherwise by the ARPB in adherence to the below criteria and circumstances. The ARPB shall also provide the student with feedback according to its decision. If approved, the extension form shall be duly signed by the Chairman of the ARPB and kept in the student’s file. The ARPB shall then inform the student, the tutor, and the Registrar’s Office of the new deadline date. If not approved, the student shall adhere to the original deadline date and meet the tutor accordingly for completion The student may be awarded an extension once the extension form is approved by the ARPB. For the extension to be awarded, it must satisfy one or more of the criteria or mitigating circumstances in the Policy Number 66, Extensions of Long Essay/Dissertation/Thesis Submission Deadlines.
Following expiry of the deadline date on Turnitin, it would no longer be possible for students to submit their long essay/dissertation/thesis. Failure to submit will be considered as a fail and the students will only be allowed one more opportunity to resit the long essay/dissertation/thesis.
Corrections of Long Essays, Dissertations and Theses
The relevant Academic Programme Coordinator and the Registrar’s Office shall administer the assessment process. Both the tutor and the second reader shall, separately and independently, correct and mark the long essay or dissertation with two different marking sheets. Both marking sheets shall then be passed on to the coordinator, who in turn is required to check the discrepancy between the marks. If one of the marks is a Fail, the coordinator shall then request the ARPB to appoint a moderator. If the discrepancy between the two marks is more than 20%, the coordinator shall also request the ARPB to appoint a moderator. If the discrepancy between the two marks is less than 20%, the coordinator shall then request both the tutor and the second reader to formulate one joint marking sheet with feedback (both the tutor and the second reader will have to meet and produce one joint marking sheet). The tutor shall then send the joint marking sheet with feedback to the student. The final mark must be the average mark between the tutor and the second reader’s original mark. Please refer to Policy Numbers 65 and 63, Corrections of Long Essays and Dissertations and Long Essay and Dissertations Moderations. The students have a right of redress in case they do not accept the grade given to their research. Please refer to Policy Number 68, Policy and Procedure on Revisions of Papers for Long Essays/Dissertations/Theses for more information on this. The final result shall be published by the Registrar’s Office. Students may be precluded from graduating until they submit the final corrected version of the research to ITS according to the required format.
ITS reserves the right to publish the final version of the submitted student’s research on its online channels, its publications, and its digital library.
Late Submissions of Long Essays, Dissertations and Theses
Late Proposal Forms will not be tolerated. However, in mitigating circumstances, these may be reviewed at the discretion of the ARPB, and decisions will be taken on a case-by-case basis, i.e., according to the nature of the student’s case.
Late submissions of Long Essays and Dissertations will also not be tolerated. However, in mitigating circumstances, the ARPB may also review late submissions on a case-by-case basis. It is the students’ responsibility to submit on time and upload their long essay/dissertation/thesis on Turnitin (VLE) by the stipulated deadline date. Turnitin will not allow students to submit after the deadline date. Please refer to Policy Number 67, Policy and Procedure on late submissions and resits of Long Essays/Dissertations/Theses.
Resits of Long essays, Dissertations and Theses
If, following assessment, a long essay/dissertation/thesis is awarded a fail, the student shall only be granted ONE resubmission opportunity – the duration of resubmission shall be communicated to the student by the ARPB. The highest obtainable mark for a failed long essay/dissertation/thesis depends on the specific program of studies.
Students who also fail the resit long essay/dissertation/thesis can obtain a transcript of studies of those modules completed successfully during the course of studies.
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